47th State Rep District Nominating Convention

Community Room, Canterbury Town Hall
May 15, 2024

5:45-6pm Registration, Music* and Light Refreshments

6pm Call to Order

  1. Temporary Chair calls meeting to order
  2. Temporary Chair appoints Temporary Secretary
  3. Temporary Secretary reads call of meeting notice
  4. Permanent Chair is elected
  5. Permanent Secretary is elected
  6. Adoption of Rules
  7. Nominations
  8. Election of State House Candidate
  9. Announcement of Winner
  10. Acceptance Speech
  11. Adjourn

*Music provided by Blackout Productions.


  • To gain the endorsement of the party a candidate must receive at least 50% plus one of those present and voting.
  • Any candidate receiving 15% or more of the votes of those present and voting at the end of any voting round may be on a primary ballot without having to petition on.
  • The Permanent chair, in addition to their vote as a delegate, may cast an additional vote to break a tie.
  • State Party rules are in effect.


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